Days of architecture in the time of accelerated digitalization

Architecture Days is one of the biggest events in the field of architecture in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This year's Days of Architecture Sarajevo were held from September 17 to 19, with the opening at the Jurislav Korenić Cultural Square in front of the Youth Theater, while other lectures, discussions and exhibitions were held at the Meeting Point cinema.
The year 2020 was turbulent for everyone. Completely new circumstances caused by the Covid-19 virus arose, which affected transport, sudden and accelerated digitalization, and the introduction of bans on movement, gatherings and the like. That was exactly the topic of this year's conference.
A time of crisis almost always brings new views. Is this an opportunity to rethink architecture, urbanism and design in general? Can we understand this crisis as an opportunity for new approaches, an opportunity to make a cross-section in our own thinking and work, an opportunity to test established views are just some of the topics discussed this year.
The lectures took place in parallel in several halls and consisted of presentations, exhibitions and trainings that were excellently presented by all involved and thus brought added value to each visitor.
The intention of the organizers is to make the Days of Architecture a key place where once a year important topics for the work of architects in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be presented and discussed, such as legislation, future activities of architects, spatial planning and urbanism, and entrepreneurship in architecture.
It is a great pleasure that we can support such events and once again congratulate the team on the excellent organization.
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This year, once more we provided support to the leading architectural gathering "Days of Architects 3.0"

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