Scholarships tender has been announced by FEAL d.o.o. Široki Brijeg

Based on the Regulations on awarding scholarships, FEAL d.o.o. Široki Brijeg is announcing
By the decision of the Management Board of the Company, and in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the award of scholarships, FEAL d.o.o. Široki Brijeg is announcing a public call for scholarships for students from the following studies:
- Mechanical engineering
- Electrical engineering
- Informatics
- Computer Science
- Architecture
- Construction
- Industrial design
- Ekonomija
The total number of scholarships will be determined after the application review process, candidate evaluation and interview.
- The status of a full-time student in one of the listed studies in the 3rd year of the first cycle, i.e. the 4th or 5th year of the second cycle, which includes integrated studies for the stated years of study.
- Studying at universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina or in any country of the European Union
- The candidate must not be employed or older than 30 years
- The average grade point average of all passed exams (including all years of study)
- Student engagement in additional professional teaching or extracurricular activities
- Social and material conditions in the family
- Evaluation of the commission for the selection of scholarship holders
The amount of the monthly scholarship is 500 KM.
Students who are eligible for the scholarship receive the scholarship for 10 months in the academic year.
The scholarship holder retains the right to a scholarship until the completion of studies in accordance with the conditions and provisions of the Regulations on awarding of scholarships.
The beneficiary of the scholarship will conclude a probationary contract for a period of 6 months after graduation and perform practical classes in the company FEAL d.o.o. Široki Brijeg with the aim of establishing a permanent employment relationship in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on awarding of scholarships.
Detailed rights and obligations of the Scholarship Beneficiary are contained in the Regulations on awarding of scholarships and in the contract on the award of scholarships, which shall be concluded after the procedure.
- Short CV with personal and contact information
- Birth certificate
- Certificate of residence
- Certificate of passed exams with the average grade of all passed exams (including all years of study)
- Uvjerenje o upisanoj akademskoj 2022./2023. godini
- Copies of evidence of extracurricular or additional teaching activities (certificates, credentials, awards, certificates of courses, workshops, etc.)
- Certified house list with data on kinship with the persons listed on the house list
- Evidence of total income of parents or guardians and other members of the joint household (salary certificate with the last three payrolls, certificate from the Employment Service on unemployment, pension receipt, social and other benefits, certified statement of employment status of members of the joint household)
- A copy of the death certificate for a student without one or both parents
Students who are already receiving other scholarships do not lose the right to apply, unless they have an obligation to establish an employment relationship through a scholarship program with another employer.
Applications for scholarships should be submitted by mail or in person in a sealed envelope to the address:
FEAL d.o.o. Široki Brijeg, Trnska cesta 146, 88220 Široki Brijeg
The envelope should be entitled "APPLICATION FOR A SCHOLARSHIP" with an indication of the student's field and year of study.
The public call is open for 14 days from the day of publication.
Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered!
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